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Last fact-checked: 19 September 2022
For patients looking to replace missing teeth, unaffordable dental implants at home makes a trip to the Philippines increasingly desirable–particularly for nearby Aussies and Kiwis. Dental care in the Philippines offers inexpensive, high-quality care, and the chance to enjoy a holiday or two in a remarkable part of the world.
Activities in and around the Philippines’ spectacular coastline will suit surfers, wakeboarders, kayakers and other water sports enthusiasts. Snorkeling and diving are also popular pastimes here. For landlubbers, there are miles of white sandy beaches, mountains, volcanoes and jungles to explore – along with all the tourist accouterments such as shopping, restaurants, bars and clubs to enjoy at the end of the day.
A dental implant is a metal post, usually made from titanium, that is surgically inserted into your jawbone beneath the gum, acting as an artificial root. The implant is threaded to allow an abutment to be screwed into it. Once in place, your dentist can then mount a false tooth (or teeth) securely onto the fitting(s) to provide an identical match to the rest of your natural teeth.
There are three stages in the dental implants process:
The fitting of the implant is usually performed under a local anaesthetic. Your dentist will make a small incision into your gum, then create a small hole in your jawbone and insert the implant. Patients generally need to allow around three to six months for the bone to fully adhere to the implant – a process called osseointegration.
The abutment–a small post onto which a crown can be fitted–screws directly into the dental implant that was inserted into your jawbone. Once the abutment is in place, attaching the crown is a straightforward process, usually carried out during the abutment fitting.
Low cost. Because dental implant procedures are usually carried out in two stages, having work done in the Philippines helps saves on your travel expenses. Similarly, the Philippines offers cheap lodging, food and other travel necessities, which will help further conserve your budget.
High quality. As with neighboring clinics in Thailand and Indonesia, dental tourism has become big business in the Philippines, with dozens of modern clinics offering highly trained dentists and state-of-the-art equipment. Thousands of qualified Filipino dentists, doctors and nursing practitioners choose to work abroad in Western countries, particularly the United States, which is a testament to the quality of its medical training. Our best Filipino dentists are members of the American Dental Association or are affiliated with international organizations, including the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.
English spoken here. Because of its cultural heritage, the Philippines has much in common with Western nations. Most Filipinos – and all our top dentists – speak fluent English.
A dental implant procedure in the Philippines consists of three parts. The first is the implant itself, which is inserted into the jawbone. The second is called the abutment, which is a post that attaches the crown (false tooth) to the implant–and the third is the crown itself.
On your first trip, the implant is inserted, usually in one day. If you've had one or more extractions or implants, your dentist may want you to stick around for a couple or three days after the procedure to ensure everything is as it should be before you return home.
After the implant is inserted you normally need to wait for between three to six months for osseointegration to take place. This is when the implant fuses with the jawbone and provides a firm and stable base for the crown to attach.
When you return for your second visit, the abutment is inserted and crown fitted.
A top of the line titanium dental implant with abutment and crown in Australia averages AUD $3,800. In the Philippines, the price is as low as AUD $1,700. However, although cost is a major consideration, you should do your research thoroughly.
While there are some great-quality dental clinics throughout the Philippines, be sure to choose a quality-checked clinic, like the ones listed with Dental Departures.
Below are a few of the Philippines' top dental clinics along with average pricing (check with us beforehand for confirmation of quotes):
Search our site for exclusive discounts and compare costs on dental implants in the Philippines. Know before you go: read our verified patient reviews, view clinic photos and take virtual tours of our clinics.
Then call our toll-free number or book with us online for great care at the best available prices!
(Image by Telanhon1516)
Dr Mark Burhenne. Ask the dentist. 27 June 2018. Your first dental implant procedure: What to expect
Dr Alexander Holden. University of Sydney. 6 November 2018. Dental Tourism: Things to consider before going that extra mile for your smile
Dept of Tourism, Philippines. About the Philippines
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